If you don’t listen to country music, I’d say you’re missing hell of a lot great music. But even in the pop scene, the Dixie Chicks were known for their outstanding vocals and spine-chilling harmony. Looking back 2002, Landslide was one of their hit songs off their album Home, and I must say, one of the best renditions of the song (original by Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac). I guess I also kind of regret that I never paid enough attention to this band and how they struggled the political controversy they got into. If you didn’t know yet, they Dixie Chicks were banned from radio stations and from their concert tours right after lead singer Natalie Maines made a comment about their president back then. Check out this documentary on YouTube to know more. In that context, all I can say is that shame on America for dumping the Dixie Chicks. So much for free speech and your free country. Now that Bush is out of office and the USA and the world is in a crisis, I’d love to hear the Dixie Chicks sing a song of “I told you so”!

Try to listen to the Dixie Chicks’ rendition of Star-Spangled Banner. I’m not American but this gave me chills! The best rendition, if you as me. The real tune was never altered, but they were still able to pull off their own flavor to it – unlike other renditions.
If you’re an American and that doesn’t move you, move to another country! (taken from one comment on that video)
Last 2006, they released their album Taking The Long Way. If you know their story, you will definitely love the third track on this album – kind of a response to how they have been treated. And the video is real good, too! Despite the controversy they were in, it is good to know that the Dixie Chicks is the best-selling female group in America.